Notice regarding Distribution of Dividends from Surplus

May 23, 2022

SMS Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby announces that, on May 23, 2022, its Board of Directors has resolved to submit a proposal for the distribution of dividends from surplus with a record date set at March 31, 2022 to the 19th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held on June 24, 2022.

1.Details of Dividends

Amount resolved Latest dividend forecast
(February 16, 2022)
Dividends paid for the previous fiscal year
(year ended March 31, 2021)
Record date March 31, 2022 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021
Dividend per share 10.5 yen 10.5 yen 9.5 yen
Total amount of dividends 915 million yen 827 million yen
Effective date June 27, 2022 June 21, 2021
Source of dividends Retained earnings Retained earnings


The Company’s basic policy is to place priority on growth investments, while taking the financial conditions into account when determining dividend payouts to its shareholders.
Based on this policy, the Company has decided to return profits to shareholders in the form of dividends for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022. Consequently, the Company plans to pay a year-end dividend of 10.5 yen per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022.

Notice regarding Distribution of Dividends from Surplus