What We Value

SMS's Mission is “to improve the quality of life by providing information infrastructure for an aging society. Here, we would like to share the mindset we value, underlying our Mission.

Management Philosophy ‐What we pursue universally‐

Continual growth and contribution to society
as an everlasting corporate group

We have a Management Philosophy that we pursue universally. This is also our purpose for existing in society. We will continue to grow over one hundred years by responding to the demands of society in order to enrich it, and will continue to increase the sum total of our contributions to society as an indispensable part of it.

Values ‐What we value fundamentally‐

Continually perceiving and responding to the demands of society

Continually creating value

Continually changing and growing

Continually maintaining integrity

We have established our Values as a necessary means of realizing our Management Philosophy. We need to respond to the demands of society both proactively and continually over the long term in order to realize our Management Philosophy. To this end, it is necessary to grasp the major social variables, such as demographic trends, economic trends, national policies, and people's values, and to continue to engage with and respond to the demands of society at all times.

On the other hand, it is not easy to continuously perceive and respond to the demands of society. The variables surrounding society have become intertwined over a long period of time, creating a complex and diverse set of demands. We identify important social issues to be solved and continue to create maximum value by proactively taking the initiative in solving these issues.

As society continues to change, so will its demands. In order to continue to proactively create maximum value, we too need to continually change and grow.

We need to sincerely interact with those to whom we provide value and maintain integrity as an indispensable part of society in order to perceive the demands of society and solve social issues.

Mission ‐What we aim to realize‐

We aim to improve people’s quality of life by providing information infrastructure for an aging society.

Based on our Management Philosophy and Values, we have established our Mission as one to be realized over the medium to long term.

Learn more about our Mission

Management Principles
- Management Policy for realizing our Management Philosophy -

Mutual development of organizations and individuals

Horizontal and vertical linkage of the management process

We have established Management Principles to define the ideal management style for realizing our Management Philosophy and Mission. Our two Management Principles are mutual development between organizations and individuals, and horizontal and vertical linkage of the management process.

The first principle is "mutual development of organizations and individuals." In order to enrich society, we have established our Mission and conduct business based on the premise of solving social issues. Therefore, our growth leads to social contribution through solving social issues. In order for organizations to continue to grow over a long period of time, the growth of each individual employee is essential. We promote the growth of individuals by providing them with new opportunities created by the growth of organizations. As individuals grow, the value created by them increases. By linking our Mission to individual goals through each organization, the value created by individuals leads to organizational growth and social contribution. By organizations and individuals continuing this cycle of growth and contribution, we will continuously increase the sum total of our contributions to society.

Next, we will explain the second principle, "horizontal and vertical linkage of the management processes.” The phrase management process refers to thinking about and executing on three necessary elements of management: strategies, human resources, and operations. In an environment that is highly complex and constantly changing over a long period of time, we believe it is essential for all employees to execute the management process independently. For this reason, we require employees in all roles, not just executives and business managers, to take the lead in executing the management process to create greater value.

The phrase management process refers to thinking about and executing on strategies (strategic process), human resources (people process), and operations (OPS process) in an integrated manner.

We are not only executing the management process at the Group, Strategic Unit (SU), Business Unit (BU), and individual levels, but also linking the management process vertically to the level of the individual throughout the entire Group. With this vertical link, we can align the value created at each level, and link the contributions created at each level with the contributions of the entire Group with the goal of realizing our Mission (vertical linkage of the management process). Furthermore, by horizontally linking the management process between adjacent organizations and individuals, we can generate synergies and make greater contributions that could not be made alone (horizontal linkage of the management process). By linking the management process vertically and horizontally in this way, we aim to achieve mutual development of organizations and individuals, and to realize our Mission unitedly.

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